Resources for exploring
missional community
We believe that every expression of the church can benefit from understanding itself as a missional community. When we read the gospels, the kind of life that Jesus invites us to experience is one that we would call missional community.
That’s why we have created a set of resources that help Christians in any context to explore the practices of a missional community.
These resources will help you to deepen your understanding of missional community as a core expression of how we live out our faith in Jesus today in the 21st Century.

Table is a participatory resource for pioneer ministers
Table was designed as a series of tablecloths for teams to meet around for dinner and use as the basis for a learning conversation. We have also developed an online version of Table which teams can use, using Zoom and an interactive whiteboard app called Miro.

The Table resource consists of 5 designed sheets which can be used at whatever pace you and your team would like. They help you explore the theology, missiology and ecclesiology of missional community. They also help you make some decisions together about how you want to do life together as a missional community.
The Table resource consists of 5 designed sheets which can be used at whatever pace you and your team would like. They help you explore the theology, missiology and ecclesiology of missional community. They also help you make some decisions together about how you want to do life together as a missional community.

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Some of our most popular resources.
Home by Another Route is Paul Bradbury's prophetic challenge to "the church in exile", inviting Church leaders to consider the possibility that church as we know it may not be coming back. Instead, by examining Ezekiel , Paul encourages us to start imagining that the Holy Spirit may be bringing fresh life to new forms of Christian mission and community, if we are only brave enough to take up the invitation. A great primer for anyone interested in these ideas.